title: “Introduction of ‘geneHapR’” author: “Zhang RenLiang” date: “2024-03-01” output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > % % % editor_options: markdown: wrap: sentence
is designed for gene haplotype statistics,
phenotype association and visualization.
Dataset required for haplotype statistic, visualization and phenotype association and the import function were listed in Table 1.
The genotype dataset is essential for haplotype identification and could be supplied in VCF, FASTA, P.link, HAPMAP and table format. The annotation were used for variants filtration and prepare schematic diagram.
Detailed information of individuals include phenotype data, group/category information and geo-coordinates. The phenotype data was used for comparison between different haplotypes. The group /category information was used for pie plot with haplotype network (eg. the second column in Table 4). And the geo-coordinates only used for demonstration of geographical distribution and include two columns: longitude and latitude (eg. the third and fourth column in Table 4).
Table 1: The required format of dataset and import functions for geneHapR
Dataset | File format | Import function |
Genotype (necessary) |
VCF: *.vcf, *.vcf.gz; Sequences: *.fa, .fasta; p.link: (*.ped & *.map); hmp: *.hmp; table (eg. Table2): .txt, *.csv |
import_vcf(); import_seqs(); import_plink.pedmap(); import_hmp(); read.table(), read.csv() |
Annotation (optional) |
GFF: .gff, .gff3, BED4/BED6 (eg. Table3): *.bed |
import_gff() import_bed() |
Accession information (optional) |
table (eg. Table4): .txt, .csv | import_AccINFO() |
Table 2 is an example of genotypic data in table format: The first five column are fixed as chromosome name (CHROM), position (POS), reference nucleotide (REF), alter nucleotide (ALT) and additional information (INFO). Accession genotype should be in followed columns. “-” will be treated as Indel. “.” and “N” will be treated as missing data. Field in additional information column should be in format “tag=value”, and separated by semicolon “;”. Heterozygote should be looks like “A/G” or “A|G”.
Table 2: Table format of the genotypic dataset
CHR | POS | REF | Alt | INFO | C001 | C002 | C003 | … |
Chr7 | 9154754 | T | C | CDS=G>A;AA=V>G | T | T | T | … |
Chr7 | 9154664 | G | T | CDS=A>C | G | G | G | … |
Chr7 | 9154489 | C | G | CDS=C>G | C | C | C | … |
Chr7 | 9154469 | G | A | CDS=T>C | G | G | G | … |
︙ | ︙ | ︙ | ︙ | ︙ | ︙ | ︙ | ︙ |
Table 3 is an example of annotation file in BED6 format. As described at UCSC, the BED6 file contains 6 columns: 1) chromosome name, 2) chromosome start, 3) chromosome end, 4) name, 5) score and 6) strand. The BED4 contains the first 4 column of BED6.
BE NOTE THAT: the fourth column was used to define the name and types, which were separated by a space. For example, the first line of Table 3 indicates that: the genomic interval from 9154280 (exclude) to 9154821 (include) on Chr7 chromosome is CDS of “LOC_Os07g15770.1” and the strand is “negative”.
Table 3: An annotation example in BED6 format
Chr7 | 9154380 | 9154821 | LOC_Os07g15770.1·CDS | . | - |
Chr7 | 9152403 | 9152730 | LOC_Os07g15770.1·CDS | . | - |
Note: the red dot in fourth column indicate a space.
Table 4 is an example of detailed information of individuals, includes group/category, geo-coordinates and phenotype data. First column are names of accessions/individuals, phenotypic information are listed in followed columns.
Table 4: An example of accession detailed information dataset
id | Subpopulation | Longitude | Latitude | Grain length |
Grain width |
Grain thickness |
C001 | Indica | 121 | 14.6 | 8.5 | 2.9 | 1.96 |
C002 | Intermediate | 121 | 14.6 | 10.2 | 2.63 | 1.96 |
C003 | Japonica | 51.3 | 35.45 | 8.75 | 3.32 | 2.12 |
C004 | Japonica | 116.28 | 39.54 | 7.83 | 3.22 | 2.08 |
C005 | Japonica | 121 | 14.6 | 10.47 | 3 | 1.95 |
C006 | Indica | 116.28 | 39.54 | 8.1 | 2.47 | 1.69 |
The main results are hapResult
class in R, consist of a matrix which could be
divided into three parts as shown in Fig.1, and some additional
Cartoon representation of hapResult and hapSummary contents
Part I consists of only one column. And the first four lines were
fixed as CHROM (chromosome name), POS (position), INFO (additional
information) and ALLELE (allele). And followed lines are names of each
haplotype. Part II consists of at least one column, contains site
information (first four lines) and genotypes (followed lines). The part
III of hapResult
consists of one column named as Accession,
while hapSummary
consists of two columns named as Accession
and freq (frequency of each haplotype).
The differences between hapResult
is that each line of hapResult
indicate an accession/individual, and each line in
indicate a haplotype.
is schemed to submit to CRAN. If accepted, this
package could be installed with
. geneHapR
has not
published yet, if you use geneHapR
in your study, please
contact Zhang RenLiang
(Maintainer) (email: zhang_renliang@163.com) or Jia GuanQing
The first step is library the geneHapR
packages. I will
use the test data inside this package as an example for how to perform
statistics of a gene/range, visualization and phenotype association
There are two options to conduct a gene haplotype analysis starts from a VCF file or DNA sequences file. Thus a VCF file or DNA sequences file is necessary. However, the GFF, phenos and accession groups are strongly recommend for visualization and phenotype associations.
The import functions takes file path as input.
could import VCF file with surfix of “.vcf”
and “.vcf.gz”. import_gff()
import file format default as
“GFF” and import_seqs()
file format default as “fasta”.
# import vcf file
vcf <- import_vcf("your_vcf_file_path.vcf")
# import gziped vcf file
vcf <- import_vcf("your_vcf_file_path.vcf.gz")
plink <- import_plink.pedmap(mapfile = "p_link.map", pedfile = "p_link.ped",
sep_ped = "\t", sep_map = "\t")
plink <- import_plink.pedmap(root = "p_link", sep_ped = "\t", sep_map = "\t")
# import GFFs
gff <- import_gff("your_gff_file_path.gff", format = "GFF")
# import GFFs
bed <- import_bed("your_gff_file_path.bed")
# import DNA sequences in fasta format
seqs <- import_seqs("your_DNA_seq_file_path.fa", format = "fasta")
# import phynotype data
pheno <- import_AccINFO("your_pheno_file_path.txt")
## GrainWeight.2021 GrainWeight.2022
## C1 16.76 18.76
## C2 6.66 8.66
## C3 7.80 16.30
## C4 19.73 23.73
## C5 11.95 16.95
## C6 12.43 30.45
# import accession group/location information
AccINFO <- import_AccINFO("accession_group_file_path.txt")
## Sensitive Type latitude longitude
## C1 Sensitive Mordern cultivar 65.216 33.677
## C2 Resistance Mordern cultivar 65.216 33.677
## C3 Mid Mordern cultivar 89.941 24.218
## C4 Sensitive Mordern cultivar 89.941 24.218
## C5 Resistance Mordern cultivar 89.941 24.218
## C6 Mid Mordern cultivar 25.231 42.761
Be aware that the phenotype and accession group are effectively
tables. There are more than one ways to import a table format file with
Be Note that: a. the accession/individual names
located in first column; b. the first row contents
phenotype/accession_group names; c. NA
is allowed, it’s not
a wise option to replace NA
by 0
# import pheno from space ' ' delimed table
pheno <- read.table("your_pheno_file_path.csv", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, comment.char = "#")
# import pheno from ',' delimed table
pheno <- read.csv("your_pheno_file_path.csv", header = TRUE, comment.char = "#")
There is a little work need to be done before haplotype calculations: (1) VCF filtration and (2) DNA sequences alignment.
There are three modes to filter a vcfR
object after
import VCF into ‘R’: a. by position; b. by annotation; c. by both of
# filter VCF by position
vcf_f1 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "POS",
Chr = "scaffold_1",
start = 4300, end = 5890)
# filter VCF by annotation
vcf_f2 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "type",
gff = gff,
type = "CDS")
# filter VCF by position and annotation
vcf_f3 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "both",
Chr = "scaffold_1",
start = 4300, end = 5890,
gff = gff,
type = "CDS")
It’s a time consuming work to import and manipulate a very large file
with ‘R’ on personal computer. It’ll be more efficiency to extract the
target ranges from origin VCF with filterLargeVCF()
import. If your VCF file is just a few ‘MB’, this step was not necessary
at all.
Note: if extract more than one ranges, length of
output file names (VCFout
) must be equal with
and POS
# new VCF file will be saved to disk
# extract a single gene/range from a large vcf
filterLargeVCF(VCFin = "Ori.vcf.gz",
VCFout = "filtered.vcf.gz",
Chr = "scaffold_8",
POS = c(19802,24501),
override = TRUE)
# extract multi genes/ranges from large vcf
filterLargeVCF(VCFin = "Ori.vcf.gz", # surfix should be .vcf.gz or .vcf
VCFout = c("filtered1.vcf.gz", # surfix should be .vcf.gz or .vcf
Chr = c("scaffold_8",
POS = list(c(19802,24501),
override = TRUE) # if TRUE, existed file will be override without warning
p.link <- filter_plink.pedmap(p.link, mode = "POS",
Chr = "Chr08", start = 25947258, end = 25948258)
The origin DNA sequences must be aligned and trimmed due to haplotype
calculation need all sequences have same length. Those operations could
be done with geneHapR
. I still suggest users align and trim
DNA sequences with Mega software and then save the
result as FASTA format before import them into ‘R’.
# sequences alignment
seqs <- allignSeqs(seqs, quiet = TRUE)
# sequences trim
seqs <- trimSeqs(seqs, minFlankFraction = 0.1)
hap <- filter_hap(hapSummary,
rm.mode = c("position", "accession", "haplotype", "freq"),
position.rm = c(4879, 4950),
accession.rm = c("C1", "C9"),
haplotype.rm = c("H009", "H008"),
freq.min = 5)
As mentioned before, haplotype could be calculated from VCF or
sequences with vcf2hap()
or seqs2hap()
. The
genotype of most sites should be known and homozygous, still, a few site
are unknown or heterozygous due to chromosome variant or error cased by
sequencing or SNP calling or gaps or other reasons. It’s a hard decision
whether to drop accessions/individuals contains heterozygous or unknown
sites for every haplotype analysis. Hence, I leave the choice to
Calculate haplotype result from VCF.
hapResult <- vcf2hap(vcf,
hapPrefix = "H",
hetero_remove = TRUE,
na_drop = TRUE)
## Accessions:
## All: 37
## Removed: 4 C12, C16, C29, C33
## Remain: 33
## hap frequences:
## H001 H002 H003 H004 H005 H006 H007 H008 H009
## 10 8 4 4 2 2 1 1 1
## Options:
## hapPrefix: H
## CHROM: scaffold_1
## POS: 4300-6856
## hetero_remove: YES
## NA_remove: YES
## # A tibble: 37 × 11
## Hap `4300` `6856` `5209` `5213` `4910` `4879` `4345` `4950` `5037` Accession
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 CHR scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… ""
## 2 POS 4300 6856 5209 5213 4910 4879 4345 4950 5037 ""
## 3 INFO <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> ""
## 4 ALLE… G/C A/G A/AC C/G GCCTA… T/A,G T/A,GG T/AA,… A/AA,… ""
## 5 H001 G A A C GCCTA T T T A "C8"
## 6 H001 G A A C GCCTA T T T A "C9"
## 7 H001 G A A C GCCTA T T T A "C11"
Calculate haplotype result from aligned DNA sequences.
hapResult <- seqs2hap(seqs,
Ref = names(seqs)[1],
hapPrefix = "H",
hetero_remove = TRUE,
na_drop = TRUE,
maxGapsPerSeq = 0.25)
Before visualization, there were a few details need to be adjusted. eg. add annotations and adjust position of “ATG”
While hapResult
was calculated from vcfR
object, the INFO was taken from @fix
field. The VCF INFO may missing some annotations. or contents
format was inappropriate to display. Further more, INFO
contents nothing if hapResult
was generated from sequences.
Here, we can introduce/replace the origin INFO by
Note that: length of values
must be
equal with number of sites.
Let’s see how mant sites contains in the hapResult
# Chech number of sites conclude in hapResult
## [1] 9
Now we replace the old INFO field with new tag named as “PrChange”.
# add annotations to INFO field
hapResult <- addINFO(hapResult,
tag = "PrChange",
values = rep(c("C->D", "V->R", "G->N"),3),
replace = TRUE)
Here, we add a tag named as “CDSChange” followed the old INFO.
# To replace the origin INFO by set 'replace' as TRUE
hapResult <- addINFO(hapResult,
tag = "CDSChange",
values = rep(c("C->A", "T->C", "G->T"),3),
replace = FALSE)
This function was only used to adjust the position of “ATG” to 0 and hence convert the gene on negative strand to positive strand.
Be note that: GFF and hapResult need to adjust position of ATG with the same parameters.
# set ATG position as zero in gff
newgff <- gffSetATGas0(gff = gff, hap = hapResult,
geneID = "test1G0387",
Chr = "scaffold_1",
POS = c(4300, 7910))
# set position of ATG as zero in hapResult/hapSummary
newhap <- hapSetATGas0(gff = gff, hap = hapResult,
geneID = "test1G0387",
Chr = "scaffold_1",
POS = c(4300, 7910))
summary and visualizationOnce we have the hapResult
object, can we summarize and
visualize our hapResult
by interact with annotations and
Now, we have the hapResult
object with INFOs we want
display in next step. The hap_summary()
function convert
the object of hapResult
class, which is a long table
format, into a short table belong to hapSummary
class. In
each row represent a accession, while each row
represents a hap in hapSummary
hapSummary <- hap_summary(hapResult)
## Accssions: 33
## Sites: 9
## Indels: 5
## SNPs: 4
## Haplotypes: 9
## H001 10 C8, C9, C11, C14, C18, C25, ...
## H002 8 C5, C15, C17, C19, C22, C32, ...
## H003 4 C6, C20, C23, C37
## H004 4 C7, C13, C24, C30
## H005 2 C4, C21
## H006 2 C10, C27
## H007 1 C1
## H008 1 C2
## H009 1 C3
## Options:
## hapPrefix: H
## CHROM: scaffold_1
## POS: 4300-6856
## hetero_remove: YES
## NA_remove: YES
## # A tibble: 13 × 12
## Hap `4300` `6856` `5209` `5213` `4910` `4879` `4345` `4950` `5037` Accession
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 CHR scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… scaff… "Haploty…
## 2 POS 4300 6856 5209 5213 4910 4879 4345 4950 5037 "Individ…
## 3 INFO PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… PrCha… "Variant…
## 4 ALLE… G/C A/G A/AC C/G GCCTA… T/A,G T/A,GG T/AA,… A/AA,… ""
## 5 H001 G A A C GCCTA T T T A "C8;C9;C…
## 6 H002 C A A G A T T T A "C5;C15;…
## 7 H003 G A AC G A A A AA AA "C6;C20;…
Let’s see how to visualization of our haplotype results.
At first let’s display the hapSummary
as a table. In
this table like figure we can see all the variants and their positions,
haplotypes and their frequencies.
Also we can add an annotation, “CDSChange”, to the table by assign
the INFO_tag
. It’s your responsibility to verify whether
the INFO_tag was existed in the INFO field.
# add one annotation
hapPrefix = "H",
INFO_tag = "CDSChange",
tag_name = "CDS",
displayIndelSize = 1,
angle = 45,
replaceMultiAllele = TRUE,
ALLELE.color = "grey90")
Now let’s add another INFO_tag
named as “PrChange”.
# add multi annotation
hapPrefix = "H",
INFO_tag = c("CDSChange", "PrChange"),
displayIndelSize = 1,
angle = 45,
replaceMultiAllele = TRUE,
ALLELE.color = "grey90")
Parameter tag_name
was used to replace the character if
was too long.
# add multi annotation
hapPrefix = "H",
INFO_tag = c("CDSChange", "PrChange"),
tag_name = c("CDS", "Pr"),
displayIndelSize = 1,
angle = 45,
replaceMultiAllele = TRUE,
ALLELE.color = "grey90")
I think it’s a good idea to figure out where are the variants by marking them on gene model.
displayVarOnGeneModel(hapSummary, gff,
Chr = "scaffold_1",
startPOS = 4300, endPOS = 7910,
type = "pin", cex = 0.7,
CDS_h = 0.05, fiveUTR_h = 0.02, threeUTR_h = 0.01)
calculation and visualizationThe hapNet
could be generated from object of
class. The accession group information could be
attached in this step.
hapNet <- get_hapNet(hapSummary,
groupName = "Type")
Once we have the hapNet
object, we can plot it with
# plot haploNet
size = "freq", # circle size
scale = "log2", # scale circle with 'log10(size + 1)'
cex = 0.8, # size of hap symbol
col.link = 2, # link colors
link.width = 2, # link widths
show.mutation = 2, # mutation types one of c(0,1,2,3)
legend = c(-12.5, 7)) # legend position
Now we get the haplotype result. There is a new question emerged: how did those main haplotypes distributed, are they related to geography?
# library(mapdata)
# library(maptools)
LON.col = "longitude",
LAT.col = "latitude",
hapNames = c("H001", "H002", "H003"),
legend = TRUE)
Finally, let’s see which haplotype has superiority at particular area by interact with phynotype.
Here are two options, merged or separated, to organized the heatmap
of p-values and violin plot. The figure as an object of
, which means user could add/modified figure
elements with ggplot2
Here is an example for merged arrangement:
results <-hapVsPheno(hapResult,
hapPrefix = "H",
title = "This is title",
mergeFigs = TRUE,
pheno = pheno,
phenoName = "GrainWeight.2021",
minAcc = 3)
An example for separated plot:
results <- hapVsPheno(hap = hapResult,
hapPrefix = "H",
title = "This is title",
pheno = pheno,
phenoName = "GrainWeight.2021",
minAcc = 3,
mergeFigs = FALSE)