Familiar is a package that allows for end-to-end machine learning of tabular data, with subsequent evaluation and explanation of models. This vignette provides an overview of its functionality and how to configure and run an experiment.
This section provides installation instructions, a brief overview of
the package, and the pipeline encapsulated by the
function that is used to run an
Stable versions of familiar can be installed from CRAN.
prevents being prompted to install
packages when using familiar.
It can also be installed directly from the GitHub repository:
The pipeline implemented in familiar follows a standard machine learning process. A development dataset is used to perform the steps listed below. Many aspects of these steps can be configured, but the overall process is fixed:
Data processing: Features in the development dataset are assessed during this step:
General feature information: Are features categorical (e.g. has
the values FALSE
) or numeric? Which
levels does a categorical or ordinal feature have?
Invariance: Which features are invariant and should be dropped?
Transformation: How should numeric features be transformed using a power transformation to make these features behave more according to a normal distribution?
Normalisation: How should numeric features be normalised to reduce differences in scale between features the dataset? Note that familiar also allows for normalisation at the batch level to remove systematic differences in feature values between different batches or cohorts.
Robustness: Should non-robust features, assessed using repeated measurements, be filtered?
Importance: Should generally unimportant features be filtered after univariate analysis?
Imputation: How should missing feature values be imputed?
Redundancy clustering: Which features are similar and should be clustered together?
Feature selection: Which features are important for the endpoint of interest? Familiar supports various univariate and multivariate feature selection methods (see the Feature selection methods vignette). Note that feature selection, at least in familiar, is a misnomer. Instead of selecting features, in the sense of selecting the features to be included in a model by a learner, features in the data are ranked according to their importance. Actual feature selection is conducted during hyperparameter optimisation.
Hyperparameter optimisation: Most learners have hyperparameters, which are parameters that determine a specific aspect of the model created by the learner. Examples are the number of trees in a random forest, the width of the radial kernel in support vector machines, and the number of features in the signature of a model. Such parameters may significantly influence model performance. During hyperparameter optimisation, the aim is to find the set of hyperparameters that leads to a generalisable model. Since hyperparameter spaces can be high-dimensional, familiar uses Bayesian optimisation for efficiently exploring hyperparameter space. The learning algorithms and hyperparameter optimisation vignette describes model-specific hyperparameters and hyperparameter optimisation in more detail.
Model training: During the final model training step, the development data are fitted using the previously determined set of hyperparameters. By default, the models are trimmed after creation to remove extraneous information such as copies of the development data. The model objects that are created in this step contain more than just the model. Notably, the following information is included to allow for prospective use and evaluation:
Feature information, as generated during the data processing step, is stored to allow for preparing datasets in the same manner as the development dataset and for checking if new datasets are formatted as expected. It is also used to create default ranges for individual conditional expectation and partial dependence plots.
Outcome information is stored. This is primarily used to check whether outcome data in new datasets are formatted in accordance with the development data. It is also used in computing several performance metrics.
A novelty detector is trained to detect out-of-distribution
samples and assess when a model starts extrapolating. The novelty
detector is currently based on extended isolation forests in the
package Cortes
Models used to recalibrate the output of specific models (see Learning algorithm vignette) are stored.
Calibration information is added. This currently is only done for survival analysis, for which we store baseline survival curves Royston and Altman (2013).
Risk stratification thresholds used for assigning risk strata are stored.
After training the models, the models are assessed using the development and any validation datasets. Models, and results from this analysis are written to a local directory.
Familiar supports modelling and evaluation of several types of endpoints:
Categorical endpoints, where the outcome consists of two or more
classes. Familiar distinguishes between two-class
) and multi-class (multinomial
outcomes. These differ in that fewer feature selection methods and
learners are available for multi-class outcomes. Additionally some
evaluation and explanation steps will assess all classes separately in a
one-against-all fashion for multi-class outcomes, whereas for two-class
outcomes only the positive class is assessed.
Numerical endpoints, where the outcome consists of numeric
values. Count-like count
outcomes and generic numerical
outcomes are supported. If you are unsure that
your outcome is generated through some counting or event mechanism, it
may be safer to use the more generic continuous
Survival endpoints, where the outcome consists of a pair of time
and event status variables. Familiar supports right-censored
time-to-event data (survival
Other endpoints are not supported. Handling of competing risk survival endpoints is planned for future releases.
The end-to-end pipeline is implemented in the
function. This is the main function to
In the example below, we use the iris dataset, specify some minimal configuration parameters, and run the experiment. In practice, you may need to specify some additional configuration parameters, see the Configuring familiar section.
# Example experiment using the iris dataset.
# You may want to specify a different path for experiment_dir.
# This is where results are written to.
experiment_dir=file.path(tempdir(), "familiar_1"),
It is also possible to use a formula instead. This is generally feasible only for datasets with few features:
# Example experiment using a formula interface.
# You may want to specify a different path for experiment_dir.
# This is where results are written to.
familiar::summon_familiar(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
experiment_dir=file.path(tempdir(), "familiar_2"),
Data does not need to be loaded prior to calling
. A path to a csv file can also be
provided. The data can also be a data.frame
contained in an RDS or RData
file. Other data formats are currently not supported. If categorical
features are encoded using integer values, it is recommended to load the
data and manually encode them, as is explained in the Preparing your data section.
# Example experiment using a csv datafile.
# Note that because the file does not exist,
# you will not be able to execute the code as is.
experiment_dir=file.path(tempdir(), "familiar_3"),
class_levels=c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
For reproducibility purposes, it may be useful to configure
using the configuration xml file.
In that case, we will point to a data file using the
# Example experiment using a configuration file.
# Note that because the file does not exist,
# you will not be able to execute the code as is.
Configuration parameters may also be mixed between parameters specified in the xml file and function arguments. Function arguments supersede parameters specified in the xml file:
# Example experiment using a csv datafile, but with additional arguments.
# Note that because the configuration file does not exist,
# you will not be able to execute the code as is.
Familiar is highly configurable. Parameters can be specified in two ways:
Using a configuration file. An empty copy of the configuration
file can be obtained using the familiar::get_xml_config
function. The familiar::summon_familiar
function should
subsequently be called by specifying the config
By specifying function arguments for the
All configuration parameters are documented in the help file of the
function. Often, the default
settings suffice. The parameters below should always be specified:
: Specifies the design of the
experiment. This is described more extensively further in the vignette,
in the Experimental designs
: Specify one or more feature selection
methods. See the Feature selection methods vignette for
available methods.
: Specify one or more learners used to create
models. See the learning algorithms and hyperparameter
optimisation vignette for available learners.
Though not always required, specifying the following parameters is recommended or situationally required:
: This specifies the drive location
where files generated during the experiment are written to. This
includes files containing the trained models, which we usually want to
preserve. If this location is not specified, such files are temporarily
written to the temporary R directory, and subsequently removed.
: Specifies the name of the column
that contains the outcome values. In case of survival outcomes two
columns should be specified that indicate time and event status,
respectively. For survival outcomes familiar determines which columns
contain time and event data. The outcome_column
is not required in case the formula interface is used.
: Specifies the type of outcome being
modelled. Should be one of the outcome types mentioned above in the Supported outcomes section. If not
specified, it can potentially be inferred from the data contained in the
column(s) specified by the outcome_column
: Specify the class levels of two-class
) and multi-class (multinomial
outcomes. For two-class outcomes, the second level specifies the class
regarded as the positive class. The values should match values present
in the outcome column Specifying this argument is not necessary in case
the outcome column is encoded as a factor. If left unspecified, the
unique values in the outcome column are used as values.
, censoring_indicator
: Specifies the values that should
be used as event, censoring, and competing risk indicators for survival
analysis, respectively. Familiar uses default values for censoring
(e.g. 0
, no
) and event
(e.g. 1
, yes
) status
otherwise. Note that the competing_risk
outcome type will
be fully implemented in a future release.
, sample_id_column
: Specifies the names of the columns
containing batch, sample, and series identifiers respectively. These are
described in more detail in the Preparing
your data section.
Familiar processes tabular data. In this case, a table consists of rows that represent instances, and columns that represent features and additional information. This is a very common representation for tabular data. Let us look at the colon dataset found in the survival package, which contains data from a clinical trial to assess a new anti-cancer drug in patients with colon cancer:
# Get the colon dataset.
data <- data.table::as.data.table(survival::colon)[etype==1]
# Drop some irrelevant columns.
data[, ":="("node4"=NULL, "etype"=NULL)]
id | study | rx | sex | age | obstruct | perfor | adhere | nodes | status | differ | extent | surg | time |
1 | 1 | Lev+5FU | 1 | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 968 |
2 | 1 | Lev+5FU | 1 | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3087 |
3 | 1 | Obs | 0 | 71 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 542 |
4 | 1 | Lev+5FU | 0 | 66 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 245 |
5 | 1 | Obs | 1 | 69 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 523 |
Here we see that each row contains a separate instance.
The id
and study
columns are identifier
columns. Familiar distinguishes four different types of identifiers:
Batch identifiers are used to identify data belonging to a batch,
cohort or specific dataset. This is typically used for specifying
external validation datasets (using the validation_batch_id
parameter). It also used to define the batches for batch normalisation.
The name of the column containing batch identifiers (if any) can be
specified using the batch_id_column
parameter. If no column
with batch identifiers is specified, all instances are assumed to belong
to the same batch. In the colon dataset, the study
column is a batch identifier column.
Sample identifiers are used to identify data belonging to a
single sample, such as a patient, subject, customer, etc. Sample
identifiers are used to ensure that instances from the same sample are
not inadvertently spread across development and validation data subsets
created for cross-validation or bootstrapping. This prevents information
leakage, as instances from the same sample are often related – knowing
one instance of a sample would make it easy to predict another, thus
increasing the risk of overfitting. The name of the column containing
sample identifiers can be specified using the
parameter. If not specified, it is assumed
that each instance forms a separate sample. In the colon
dataset, the id
column contains sample
Within a sample, it is possible to have multiple series, for
example due to measurements at different locations in the same sample. A
series differs from repeated measurements. While for series the outcome
value may change, this is not allowed for repeated measurements. The
column containing series identifiers may be specified by providing the
column name as the series_id_column
parameter. If not set,
all instances of a sample with a different outcome value will be
assigned a unique identifier.
Within a sample, or series, it is possible to have repeated measurements, where one or more feature values may change but the outcome value does not. Such instances can for example used to assess feature robustness. Repeated measurement identifiers are automatically assigned for instances that have the same batch, sample and series identifiers.
The colon dataset also contains two outcome columns:
and status
that define (censoring) time
and survival status respectively. Survival status are encoded as
for alive, censored patients and 1
patients that passed away after treatment. Note that these correspond to
default values present in familiar. It is not necessary to pass these
values as censoring_indicator
The remaining columns in the colon dataset represent
features. There are two numeric features, age
, a categorical feature rx
and several
categorical and ordinal features encoded with integer values. Familiar
will automatically detect and encode features that consist of
, logical
or factor
type. However, it will not automatically convert the features encoded
with integer values. This is by design – familiar cannot determine
whether a feature with integer values is intended to be a categorical
feature or not. Should categorical features that are encoded with
integers be present in your dataset, you should manually encode such
values in the data prior to passing the data to familiar. For the
colon dataset, this could be done as follows:
# Categorical features
data$sex <- factor(x=data$sex, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c("female", "male"))
data$obstruct <- factor(data$obstruct, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$perfor <- factor(data$perfor, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$adhere <- factor(data$adhere, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$surg <- factor(data$surg, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c("short", "long"))
# Ordinal features
data$differ <- factor(data$differ, levels=c(1, 2, 3), labels=c("well", "moderate", "poor"), ordered=TRUE)
data$extent <- factor(data$extent, levels=c(1, 2, 3, 4), labels=c("submucosa", "muscle", "serosa", "contiguous_structures"), ordered=TRUE)
id | study | rx | sex | age | obstruct | perfor | adhere | nodes | status | differ | extent | surg | time |
1 | 1 | Lev+5FU | male | 43 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 5 | 1 | moderate | serosa | short | 968 |
2 | 1 | Lev+5FU | male | 63 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 1 | 0 | moderate | serosa | short | 3087 |
3 | 1 | Obs | female | 71 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | 7 | 1 | moderate | muscle | short | 542 |
4 | 1 | Lev+5FU | female | 66 | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | 6 | 1 | moderate | serosa | long | 245 |
5 | 1 | Obs | male | 69 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 22 | 1 | moderate | serosa | long | 523 |
Manual encoding also has the advantage that ordinal features can be
specified. Familiar cannot determine whether features with
type values have an associated order and will
encode these as regular categorical variables. Another advantage is that
manual encoding allows for specifying the reference level, i.e. the
level to which other levels of a feature are compared in regression
models. Otherwise, the reference level is taken as the first level after
sorting the levels.
The experimental design defines how data analysis is performed.
Familiar allows for various designs, from very straightforward training
on a single dataset, to complex nested cross-validation with external
validation. Experimental design is defined using the
parameter and consists of basic
workflow components and subsampling methods. The basic workflow
components are:
: positions the feature selection step. This
component should always be present, even if
. Moreover, note that the feature selection
step only determines variable importance. Actual feature selection takes
place after optimisation for model hyperparameters determines the
optimal number of features.
: positions the model building step. This
component should always be present.
: positions the external validation step. This
should be used in conjunction with the validation_batch_id
parameter to specify which batches/cohorts should be used for external
validation. Unlike fs
and mb
is optional.
Each basic workflow component can only appear once in the
experimental design. It is possible to form an experiment using just the
basic workflow components, i.e. fs+mb
. In these experiments, feature selection is
directly followed by modelling, with external validation of the model on
one or more validation cohorts for fs+mb+ev
. These options
correspond to TRIPOD type 1a and 3, respectively. TRIPOD analysis types
1b and 2 require more complicated experimental designs, which are
facilitated by subsampling.
Hyperparameter optimisation does not require explicit specification. Hyperparameter optimisation is conducted when required to determine variable importance and prior to building a model.
Subsampling methods are used to (randomly) sample the data that are not used for external validation, and divide these data into internal development and validation sets. Thus the dataset as a whole is at most divided into three parts: internal development, internal validation and external validation. Familiar implements the following subsampling methods:
: (stratified) .632 bootstrap, with
the number of bootstraps. Bootstrapping randomly samples
the data with replacement, and on average assigns 63.2% of the samples
to the new subsampled subset to form the in-bag dataset with the same
size as the original dataset. Remaining, unselected samples form the
out-of-bag dataset. All pre-processing steps and hyperparameter
optimisation (if any) are performed using the in-bag data.
: (stratified) .632 bootstrap, with
the number of bootstraps. Functions like bs
but pre-processing parameters and hyperparameters (if any) are inherited
from the enveloping layer. That is, for bt(fs+mb,20)+ev
twenty bootstraps are created from the development dataset, and feature
selection and modelling are performed on the in-bag data. However,
pre-processing parameters and hyperparameters are determined on the
main development dataset. The most practical
application of bt
is for repeating feature selection
multiple times (e.g. bt(fs,50)+mb+ev
), as this allows for
aggregating variable importance and reducing the effect of random
: (stratified) n
cross-validation, repeated p
times. p
equals 1
by default. Cross-validation randomly assigns samples to n
folds. Cross-validation forms n
experiments where one fold
is assigned as a validation fold, and the remainder as training folds.
All pre-processing steps and hyperparameter optimisation (if any) are
performed using data in the training folds.
: leave-one-out-cross-validation. This is the
same as n
-fold cross-validations with n
number of samples.
: imbalance partitioning for addressing class
imbalances in the dataset. This creates subsets of the data with
balanced classes and can be used in conjunction with
and multinomial
outcomes. All
pre-processing steps and hyperparameter optimisation are determined
within the partitions. The number of partitions generated depends on the
imbalance correction method (specified using the
parameter). Imbalance
partitioning does not generate validation sets.
The x
argument of subsample methods can contain one or
more of the workflow components. Moreover, it is possible to nest
subsample methods. For example,
would create a
5-fold cross-validation of the development dataset, with each set of
training folds again subsampled for feature selection. After aggregating
variable importance obtained over 50 bootstraps, a model is trained
within each set of training folds, resulting in 5 models overall. The
ensemble of these models is then evaluated on an external dataset.
Other designs, such as
allow for building
large ensembles, and capturing the posterior distribution of the model
As a final remark: Though it is possible to encapsulate the external
validation (ev
) workflow component in a subsampler, this is
completely unnecessary. Unlike the feature selection (fs
and modelling (mb
) components, ev
is passive,
and only indicates whether external validation should be performed.
Calling summon_familiar
as described above, provides a
cold start of the process. For some purposes, such as to ensure that the
same data splits are used, a (partial) warm start may be required across
different experiments. Three functions allow for generating data for a
warm start:
: Generates data
: Generates data assignment
and corresponding feature information.
: Generates data assignment,
corresponding feature information and variable importance.
All of functions above create an experimentData
which contains data that can be used to warm-start other familiar
experiments that use the same data. This object can then be supplied as
the experiment_data
argument for
# This creates both data assignment (5 bootstraps) and the corresponding feature
# information.
experiment_data = familiar::precompute_feature_info(
experiment_dir=file.path(tempdir(), "familiar_1"),
# Now we can warm-start a new experiment using the precomputed data.
experiment_data = experiment_data,
experiment_dir=file.path(tempdir(), "familiar_2"),